গোগামুখ মহাবিদ্যালয়

স্থাপিত : ১৯৮১

𝐆𝐨𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐮𝐤𝐡 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞

Estd : 1981


Estd : 1981

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All DVV File

ID Heading Title View
385.2.2 (2)View File
375.2.2 (1)View File
36Supporting Documents of Higher Education for the last five yearsView File
35Supporting Documents of Placement for the last five yearsView File
34Proof of Constitution of Grievance CommitteeView File
33Students benefitted by Career CounsellingView File
32Notice of Soft Skill, ICTView File
31Number of Beneficiary for ScholarshipView File
30Selected Students List For Post Metric Scholarship During 2018-2022View File
29Scholarship DeclarationView File
28Bills for Green Campus InitiativeView File
27Stock RegisterView File
26Computer Purchase BillView File
25ISBN Publication Proof of FacultiesView File
24ISSN Publication Proof of FacultiesView File
22Supporting Document Takshila (MoU)View File
21Supporting Documents of NIELIT (MoU)View File
20Report on extension activities-2018-2023View File
19Extension ActivitiesView File
18Results from 2018 to 2023View File
17Post Creation Order 2006-07View File
16Reservation-Norms-DHE-Assam (1)View File
15Approved Admission List 2018 to 2023View File
14Students Feedback 2022-23View File
13Students Feedback 2021-22View File
12Students Feedback 2020-21View File
11students feedback -2019-20View File
10Students Feedback 2018-19View File
9Policy Document of E GovernanceView File
8Sample Feedback FormView File
7Field Report of All DepartmentsView File
6Permission Letter of Add on CoursesView File
5Appointment letters of teaching StaffView File
4List of Teachers during the last five years (2018-19 to 2022-23)View File
2Sanctioned Admission CapacityView File